Woman Expecting Triplets Delivers Surprise 4th Baby

02/17/2014 at 09:35 AM EST

Woman Expecting Triplets Delivers Surprise 4th Baby

Kimberly Fugate and one of her four newborns

Splash News Online

Kimberly Fugate and her husband Craig knew they were having triplets after numerous ultrasounds and were getting ready, with their daughter Katelyn, 10, for their family to expand.

They had no idea their expectations would be off – by one.

After three little girls were delivered by Cesarean section at the University of Mississippi Medical Center last week, a fourth identical quadruplet had kept her existence hidden until that moment, reports ABC News.

"They had got the three out and they said, 'More feet,' " Fugate told Good Morning America. "'More feet' ... that's all I heard and I said, 'Nooo!' "

The Fugate quadruplets – named Kenleigh Rosa, Kristen Sue, Kayleigh Pearl and Kelsey Roxanne – arrived a day before their mother's 42nd birthday, 13 weeks premature.

All four are in the neonatal intensive care unit and are doing well. The Fugate family expects that they will be able to come home in May.

Fugate became pregnant without fertility treatments, a rare occurrence.

"The odds of spontaneous quadruplets is one in every 729,000 live births," Dr. James Bofill, a professor of maternal fetal medicine at the hospital told ABC. "The chances of having identical quadruplets [are] almost incalculable."

It's unlikely Fugate will have a birthday surprise quite like this one.

"It's one surprise after another," she said.

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