Meet the Secret Service K-9 Heroes Who Took Down the White House Fence Jumper

Meet the Hero Secret Service Dogs Who Took Down Fence Jumper

Secret Service dogs Hurricane and Jordan

Courtesy Secret Service/Twitter

10/24/2014 AT 07:15 PM EDT

America's newest heroes are not talking about their latest daring mission.

In part, it's because they are members of the Secret Service, so much of their work is, well, secret.

But also, they are dogs.

Meet Hurricane and Jordan, the two members of the Secret Service K-9 unit who swiftly felled the latest White House fence jumper on Wednesday night.

Both are Belgian Malinois, a breed of shepherd, who were actually born in Belgium.

"They are immigrants," Secret Service spokesman Brian Leary tells PEOPLE. "And proud Americans." (Because they were born in another country, neither can ever hold the office of President. But also, they are dogs.)

And neither of the heroic canines is resting on his laurels. After being cleared by a veterinarian for "minor injuries," both were right back to work on Thursday, pausing just for a brief, between-two-flags photo-op at Secret Service headquarters. "No other special treats," Leary confirmed.

According to their first – and likely only – flash in the Twitter limelight, Jordan is "black/tan ... brown eyes, age 5, enjoys walks around the White House." Hurricane, age 6, is black with brown eyes and "enjoys playing with his Kong toy."

But other details of their lives – like whether they hang with Bo Obama – are strictly top secret. "There's just not that much we can release on these guys," says Leary.

Each of them is reportedly able to run 25 mph, hitting his target – in this case, accused fence-jumper Dominic Adesanya, 23, of Maryland – with incredible force.

After Adesanya allegedly kicked Jordan in his snout and punched Hurricane, he now faces two felony counts of wounding a law-enforcement animal in the line of duty, among the charges.

As for Jordan and Hurricane, they're just fine and, according to the Secret Service's Twitter page, "ready to work."

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