Why Did the Tortoise Get Sick? Because It Swallowed a Turtle!

Tortoise Swallows Turtle Pendant

X-ray of Lola the tortoise

Dr. Don Harris/AP (2)

updated 10/29/2014 AT 12:55 PM EDT

originally published 10/29/2014 AT 10:55 AM EDT

Talk about meta!

A Miami vet, tending to a sick tortoise, made an ironic discovery after an X-ray revealed that the pet had swallowed a small turtle pendant, ABC News reports.

Dr. Don Harris, co-owner of Avian & Exotic Animal Medical Center, was not sure what was wrong with Lola, a 15-lb. African spurred tortoise. The pet, who is actually a male, had been brought in by his owner after falling ill over the weekend. The turtle's owner said he hadn't passed food for a month, according to the Associated Press, which first reported the story.

Harris's examination turned up little, but an X-ray soon found the culprit: a small turtle pendant that Lola had accidentally swallowed. Tortoises usually graze on grass, plants and veggies but also have a fondness for hard objects, sometimes consuming rocks.

Hopefully, surgery won't be needed. The vet said he will keep Lola at his clinic, watching him to make sure he passes the ingested jewelry naturally.

Why Did the Tortoise Get Sick? Because It Swallowed a Turtle!| Animals & Pets, Exotic Animals & Pets, Wacky Animal Stories

X-ray of turtle pendant swallowed by Lola the tortoise

Dr. Don Harris / AP

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