The Pope's Swiss Guard Releases Papal-Inspired Cookbook

10/23/2014 at 04:22 PM ET

Buon Appetito

Courtesy David Geisser; Courtesy Weber Verlag

The Swiss Guard is known for being defenders of Popes and the Vatican for centuries — but chefs? Well, that’s a new one.

This week a young member of the Swiss Guard released a new Holy See-inspired cookbook, Buon Appetito, Swiss Guard.

The book features dozens of papal recipes, including some favorite dishes of current Pope Francis and his two predecessors, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II. Not only are there regional recipes from each of the Pontiffs’ homelands (Argentina, Germany and Poland, respectively), but they include the favorite dishes of many of the other residents of the Vatican.

Pope Francis

Tony Gentile/Reuters/Landov

The recipe book was compiled by David Geisser, of Zürich, who was a chef prior to joining the Swiss Guard in early 2013. He has published two other cookbooks.

What were each of the popes favorite dishes? John Paul II loved pierogi, while Benedict XVI is a fan of wurstel salad, and current Pope Francis is partial to dulce de leche — not that we can blame him!

Before you get ready to whip up a divine dinner, you’ll need to brush up on your Deutsch. Because at the moment the cookbook is only available in German. Depending on how sales go, it will be released in Italian and possibly English next year.

—Kristin Appenbrink

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