Alan Guno - Beagle In Bethlehem lyrics

Puppy prints in the white sand

A hungry dog all alone

Our little hero looks to the night sky

Cuz he’s needing a home

Follows a star for a dream still unknown

A family of his own

He’s a beagle in Bethlehem

And he’s here to follow his star

Doesn’t even know how or when

But he knows that it could be far

Even when darker times have begun

Destiny calls to the humblest one

So little beagle in Bethlehem

Don’t give up, Your journey ain’t done

Joseph works all day for his family

Times in the city are tough

And Mary sits with her only baby

But maybe three ain’t enough

One special night came a noise from outside

Four paws appeared in the light

Little Beagle in Bethlehem

I don’t know why you’re at my door

It seems that you’re lost and homeless now

But our family’s simple and poor

And though our home is small, that is true

Maybe one more will help us get through

Oh Little Beagle in Bethlehem

Tell me what are we gonna do

Just one night

One night can comfort an orphan, a stray

Just one light

Can show a mother the way

Home is love

Miracles find a benevolent soul

Just one pup

Can make a family whole

This blessed family’s now whole

Little Beagle in Bethlehem

I’m not sure what God means to do

I don’t even know why you’re here

But our family’s waiting for you

You’ll be a gift to our baby son

You will become His best friend, little one

So Little Beagle in Bethlehem

Come on in, your journey is done

He’s a beagle in Bethlehem

He’s a pup who followed his star

Now he’s here with his family

And their love will never be far

And on the nights when he feels alone

Little Jesus holds on to the pup that’s his own

So little Beagle in Bethlehem

Sleep in peace, you’re finally home

Little Beagle in Bethlehem

You’re finally home

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