Killer Pussy - Dildo Desire lyrics

It's one of those nights I don't need a date

It's one of those nights I wanna masturbate

All I'mma do, grow out through the night

All's I'mma do is gonna cum with delight

(Dildo desire)

It's nine inches long

(Dildo desire)

Never done me wrong

(Dildo desire)

My personal treat

(Dildo desire)

Substitute for meat

I've got a dildo, it's all I can take

It's only a dildo, my fantasy fake

But I'm not a whore, I don't need a man

My dildo's in the drawer, it's my best friend

(Dildo desire)

It's twelve inches long

(Dildo desire)

Never done me wrong

(Dildo desire)

My personal treat

(Dildo desire)

Substitute for meat

(Dildo desire)

It'll always be mine

(Dildo desire)

Hey, it works just fine

It's one of those nights you don't need a date

It's one of those nights you wanna masturbate

I'll lend you a dildo to ride through the night

Depend on a dildo and you'll cum with delight

(Dildo desire)

It's nine inches long

(Dildo desire)

Never do you wrong

(Dildo desire)

A woman's retreat

(Dildo desire)

Substitute for meat

(Dildo desire)

And a drop never late

(Dildo desire)

Hey, it works just great

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