Prince George to Meet Other Babies at His First Royal Engagement

04/06/2014 at 01:00 PM EDT

Prince George to Meet Other Babies at His First Royal Engagement

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with Prince George and Lupo

Jason Bell/Camera Press/Redux

Casually meeting other new mums and dads at parenting groups is not something that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been able to do in London.

That could very well change this week when, as part of their three-week trip Down Under, the royal couple will have the chance to swap stories with 10 other couples in New Zealand. (They land in the country Monday morning, or about 7:45 p.m. Sunday in New York.)

And Prince George is not about to be left out of this chance to socialize, either.

The gathering to be held on the lawn at Government House Wednesday will be to celebrate The Royal New Zealand Plunket Society, a not-for-profit family health organization.

"We're hoping that Prince George will have traveled well and put in an appearance," says Helen Clifton of Plunket. "We are looking forward to an informal, relaxed opportunity for the Duke and Duchess as new parents to talk to other new parents."

The children – six girls and four boys – George will meet on Wednesday were all born around the same time he was. As Clifton tells PEOPLE of what to expect: "The babies will get down on the floor. They are at that age when most of them are crawling and starting to explore."

(Talk about being amongst one's peers: George is already crawling and has two teeth.)

At the event, William and Kate are slated to meet those who are "representative of the families that Plunket would see," Clifton explains. They include a Maori mum, a Pacific couple, a Polish mother, a European couple, "some Kiwis," and a gay dad couple."

The Plunket Society takes its name from its original supporters and patrons in 1908, Lord and Lady Plunket. Coincidentally, it was King George V, in 1915, who gave approval for the group to use "royal" in its title.

"Now, almost 100 years later we have Prince George coming over and becoming a Plunket baby," says Clifton. "It is a nice circle of life."

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