The Real (Cringeworthy) Reason Kelly Rowland Had to Cut Her Hair Into a Bob

Style News Now

03/31/2014 at 09:00 AM ET

Kelly RowlandVeronica Summers/Splash News Online

Kelly Rowland has spent countless hours in a makeup chair throughout her career, but the singer’s favorite tip is one she taught herself — drawing beauty marks on her face.

“I like moles. I think they’re the cutest thing. It’s all Marilyn Monroe’s fault,” she told PEOPLE. “I remember one day seeing the black Duo glue that I put my lashes on with [and trying it on my face]. I let it dry and it was raised and everything. It was the cutest stinking mole, and I was sold. I never walk out of the house without a mole. It can be anywhere on my face — it’s the forever moving mole. Now it’s over here [she points]; I have a blemish, it’s helping me out.”

We caught up with the singer at an event celebrating her role as Caress‘s new celebrity “Fabulista,” hoping to inspire woman to take time for themselves with the line’s Fresh body washes. “Sometimes we get so caught up with what we do every day … It becomes kind of robotic in a way,” she shares. “We have to always continue to just refresh ourselves. I grew in a hair salon where I’ve seen women do that. They come in the hair salon and they tell my aunt, ‘I need something new!’ and she gives them a short cut or highlights. We always need that, I think it invigorates us.”

RELATED PHOTOS: Love her hair!

Speaking of haircuts, we finally got to the bottom of Rowland’s new bob: Apparently, the cut was the result of an at-home mane emergency. “I wanted to experiment and color my own hair. That was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I thought it was semi-permanent color. It was permanent color,” the star explains. “I was packing up to leave for a red eye flight, and I thought that I’d have enough time to rinse it out cause I’ve kept semi-permanent color on long before.”

[EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the point of the story where you're probably holding your breath.] “I ended up keeping it in for almost two hours and the permanent color ate all of my hair. My hair had grown down to like right where my shoulder hits, it was nice and healthy and thick. I went and reached for the back of my hair and it was all in my hand! So I went to my stylist the next day and said, ‘So, my hair’s broken off, I need you to fix it.’ He was like, ‘How did this happen?’ and then cut all my hair off and it just turned out really cute. I actually used BeyoncĂ©’s hairstylist, Neal [Farinah]. Neal cut my hair and I love it.”

And of course we really want to know how she’s going to wear her hair on her wedding day (bob? extensions?), but Rowland hasn’t made too many plans yet.

“I am not really into doing a whole bunch of wedding planning and neither is he [fiancĂ© Tim Witherspoon],” she said. “We just believe in love, we believe in our love, I don’t think that it’s nothing that we want to just go crazy about.” Not even the dress? “I cannot believe I am not this girl. I used to be!”

KElly Rowland CaressCourtesy Caress

What do you think of Rowland’s traveling beauty mark? How about her haircut? Share your thoughts below!

–Brittany Talarico, with reporting by Jackie Fields

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