California Police Officer Handcuffs Fireman for Refusing to Move His Engine

02/07/2014 at 11:20 AM EST

Police Officer Handcuffs Fireman for Refusing to Move His Engine

Firefighter Jacob Gregoire being handcuffed

A California Highway Patrol officer ended up handcuffing a firefighter after the pair got into an altercation over a fire engine at the scene of an accident on Tuesday.

Chula Vista emergency workers were responding to a rollover accident on Interstate 805 at about 9 p.m. when the CHP asked the firefighters to move their trucks, which were blocking a lane. Two of them did, but one refused, and that's when the cuffs came out.

"This is ridiculous," a fireman could be heard saying over the radio.

"We asked you to clear the road and you said no, and you are getting arrested for not moving it," the police officer said as he pulled 36-year-old firefighter Jacob Gregoire's arms behind his back.

The fire truck was blocking the lane in order to protect ambulance crews working on the two injured victims of the accident.

"From our perspective, our engineer was out there doing what they're trained to do and doing everything right to take care of patient care and protect that scene," Chula Vista fire chief Dave Hanneman told Fox 5 San Diego.

But the patrolman didn't see it that way, and Gregoire was placed in the rear seat of a CHP cruiser and detained for half an hour before being released.

Hanneman met with CHP officials after the incident, and on Wednesday CHP released a statement saying that the incident "will be a topic of future joint training sessions, in an ongoing effort to work more efficiently together."

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