Russian TV Shows Doctored Footage of Opening Ceremony Mishap at Sochi Games

02/07/2014 at 05:15 PM EST

Russian TV Shows Doctored Footage of Opening Ceremony Mishap at Sochi Games

Michael Kappeler/EPA/Landov

SPOILER ALERT: This post divulges details of the Winter Olympics opening ceremony, which has not aired in the U.S.

Smoke and mirrors?

Russian state television aired footage Friday of five floating snowflakes turning into Olympic rings and bursting into pyrotechnics at the Sochi Games opening ceremony. Problem is, that didn't happen.

The opening ceremony at the Winter Games hit a bump when only four of the five rings materialized in a wintry scene at the start of the spectacle. The five were supposed to join together and erupt in fireworks. But one snowflake never expanded, and the pyrotechnics never went off.

But everything worked fine for viewers of the Rossiya 1, the Russian host broadcaster.

As the fifth ring got stuck, Rossiya cut away to rehearsal footage. All five rings came together, and the fireworks exploded on cue.

Producers confirmed the switch, saying it was important to preserve the imagery of the Olympic symbols.

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