I wish that I could tell you that I’m falling for you
I have your flower growing in my heart
I wrote this in a letter against my better judgment
And then against all odds I mailed it out
I have your flower growing in my heart
I wrote this in a letter against my better judgment
And then against all odds I mailed it out
Saturdays we could spend together
I miss you like hell and I don’t even have you
I would die to make you mine
I saw you with your boyfriend, you looked like Fred and Ginger
But when you started dancing, he stepped on all your toes
I wrote this in a letter, I hope you’re feeling better
I’ll have your flower always in my heart
Saturdays we could spend together
I miss you like hell and I don’t even have you
I would die to make you mine
You can do what you want to, whatever you want to
I promise you I’m not attached
You can do what you want to, whatever you want to,
I’m a catch, I’m a catch, I’m a catch
Fridays and
Saturdays we could spend together
I miss you like hell and I don’t even have you
I would die to make you mine

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