Kanye West Reveals First Ever Father's Day Gift from Kim Kardashian

07/01/2013 at 02:05 PM EDT

Kanye West Reveals First Ever Father's Day Gift from Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West


What to get the man who has everything?

Kim Kardashian knew the way to her boyfriend and baby's father's heart when she gifted Kanye West with a unique Father's Day gift.

The dad to North revealed what Kardashian, 32, gifted him on Twitter Monday.

"One of the other gifts my girl gave me for fathers day," West Tweeted with a photograph of two Apple computer mice signed by the company's founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

In a recent interview with the New York Times , West, 36, shared his hopes of one day becoming as influential as the late Jobs.

"I think what Kanye West is going to mean is something similar to what Steve Jobs means. I am undoubtedly, you know, Steve of Internet, downtown, fashion, culture. Period. By a long jump," he explained. "I honestly feel that because Steve has passed, you know, it's like when Biggie passed and Jay-Z was allowed to become Jay-Z."

The gift must have touched West's heart because the Yeezus – who, despite his 9.6 million Twitter followers, only follows Kardashian – has only Tweeted seven times since May.

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