Here I am
A man pleading guilty as charged
The perfect life I was searching for
Could never have surfaced on Mars
And in the years since my return
This wasting of energy and time
Kept holding me back from running with you
But that's just the least of my crimes
A man pleading guilty as charged
The perfect life I was searching for
Could never have surfaced on Mars
And in the years since my return
This wasting of energy and time
Kept holding me back from running with you
But that's just the least of my crimes
I can do it
I can change
I can do it right away
Whaddya say?
In the darkness when the eyes fall
Just show me the hole in the wall
I'll crawl straight through
That's all you have to do
Stay with me
Promise you'll finish your task
The sharpest knife in the kitchen drawer
Will carve your face into my mask
And when I blink I'll look your way
These memories will be there enshrined
Together we can find peace running again
No longer wasting our time

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