Alex Rodriguez Suspended for 2014 Baseball Season

Breaking News

01/11/2014 at 12:20 PM EST

New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez has been suspended for the entire 2014 season, or in the words of New York's Daily News : "He's out."

On Saturday an independent arbitrator upheld the majority of a 211-game suspension Major League Baseball assessed Major League Baseball's biggest star in August for his links to a clinic accused of distributing banned performance-enhancing drugs.

The ruling by Fredric Horowitz will cost Rodriguez $25 million in salary and places a major question mark over the All-Star's career.

Rodriguez, who remained defiant throughout the investigation and publicly denied he had used the substances, will turn 40 during the 2015 season.

As reported by the Associated Press, the Yankees third baseman, a three-time AL MVP, had been suspended for 211 games on Aug. 5 by MLB Commissioner Bud Selig.

The penalty was given for alleged violations of the sport's drug agreement and labor contract and followed MLB's investigation of the Biogenesis of America anti-aging clinic.

The Major League Baseball Players Association filed a grievance saying the discipline was without "just cause."

Horowitz, MLB's independent arbitrator, heard the case over 12 sessions from Sept. 30 until Nov. 20. The sides submitted briefs last month.

Rodriguez's lawyers threatened to go to federal court in an attempt to overturn a decision not to their liking. The Supreme Court has given judges little leeway to alter arbitrator's rulings.

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