The Daily Treat: This Panda Knows How We Feel Before a Holiday Weekend

07/02/2013 at 04:20 PM EDT

The Daily Treat: This Panda Knows How We Feel Before a Holiday Weekend

Just a few more days, panda.

The Asahi Shimbun/Getty

We know that face.

Though it's just days before the Fourth of July, it seems like weeks away – and Shin Shin, the 7-year-old giant panda from Tokyo's Ueno Zoo, totally feels our pain (and craving for barbecue).

Photographed in her enclosure on Tuesday, Shin Shin lies on her stomach, arms spread out in defeat. But her woes are actually not our own: The panda was recently removed from public viewing last month after zookeepers suspected she may be pregnant. Though it was ruled a false pregnancy, Shin Shin remains under observation, reports The Japan Times .

Now that she's back in her public enclosure, Shin Shin will be allowed to roam the habitat freely. But it seems like she's got something else in mind: relaxing.

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