Alaska TV News Reporter Quits Live On-Air in Epic Fashion (Warning: NSFW)

09/22/2014 AT 03:45 PM EDT

There are dramatic career exits – and then there's this.

A TV news reporter in Alaska earned her counterculture cred Sunday night when she outed herself on-air as the owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club, then immediately announced her resignation in a way most disgruntled employees only dream about.

Charlo Greene of CBS affiliate KTVA in Anchorage, Alaska, was reporting about an upcoming ballot measure on decriminalizing marijuana in the state when she issued her stunner.

"[I] will be dedicating all of my energy toward fighting for freedom and fairness, which begins with legalizing marijuana here in Alaska," she said in her polished reporter voice.

Then, she delivered the words that quickly made her an Internet star. (Warning: language is NSFW).

"And as for this job, well, not that I have a choice, but f––– it, I quit," she declared, then looked straight into the camera and shrugged her shoulders before she walked off stage.

Cut to a bemused-looking anchorwoman, who was forced to respond after Greene's declaration.

"Alright, we apologize for that," she said, before awkwardly launching into another story.

Greene's declaration struck a chord on the Internet, but suffice it to say her now-former employer was not amused.

"Viewers, we sincerely apologize for the inappropriate language used by a KTVA reporter on the air tonight. The employee has been terminated," the station wrote on its Twitter page early Monday morning.

Greene, meanwhile, has embraced her viral video star status – and is already speaking out for her cause on Twitter.

"Smoking marijuana does NOT make me a gangster or a criminal. I am simply standing up for our rights as Americans! Thank you for all support!" she wrote Monday.

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