Prince William on 14-Month-Old George: 'They're Very Hectic at That Age'

09/21/2014 AT 12:35 PM EDT

Does the royal nanny need a night off?

During his tour of Malta this weekend, Prince William jokingly offered a child care student a job looking after 14-month-old Prince George.

He was chatting with Janet Desira, 17, who told him she is learning all about young children at college.

"You can come and do some babysitting for me," William said. Holding out his arm to show George's height, he added, "He's busy. They're very hectic at that age."

William, 32, was on a visit to the Agenzija Appogg youth club and social services provider. His wife, Kate, 32, was due to visit the center, but William had to step in when she continued to suffer from severe pregnancy sickness.

Talking with Desira about school, William said, "I've got to do 14 exams by Christmas," referring to his upcoming helicopter studies for his air ambulance job.

"This is a problem area for drugs and lots of social problems," says social worker Lara Bonnici, who was supervising the teens. "It's positive that they can come to this group. It's a good sign."

Later, William posed for photos. One young woman, Sara Farrugia, 27, got a picture and thrust a small note into his hand. "It was a 'get well soon' message to Kate," Farrugia tells PEOPLE. "[William] is very handsome and kind and speaks to the people."

On his last outing of the weekend visit, William attended a garden party on the grounds of British High Commissioner Rob Luke's official residence, Villa di Giorgio.

While there, William met Peter Robinson, 71, currently chairman of the George Cross Island Association, which works to commemorate and bring together veterans and families of the Siege of Malta (1940 to 1943).

And the prince blushed after asking what they do. "We had a chuckle because when he asked what it is, I informed him that his grandfather, the Duke of Edinburgh, is actually a patron," said Robinson.

"He was very happy to be here. William told me that Catherine was sad to have missed the trip, but we both agreed that the hot weather would have been too much for her.

"I asked how she was doing and he said he spoke to her this morning and she was feeling a little better."

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