WATCH: Man Descends into Exploding Volcano with GoPro Camera, Snaps Epic Selfie

09/09/2014 AT 10:00 AM EDT

Good thing George Kourounis snapped a selfie before his camera melted. And no, that's not a joke.

That, in fact, is a legitimate concern when you're exploring a volcano with a GoPro.

Last week, Kourounis, the Canadian adventurer extraordinaire known for hosting the Angry Planet documentary series, descended into the Marum Crater, a boiling lava lake situated within Vanuatu's Ambrym volcano.

While the above video showcases the drama of this nightmarish landscape, Kourounis's Tweets help give some context – for example, just how far down his team trekked.

Kourounis, who previously ventured into Turkmenistan's notorious Door to Hell, managed to convey that the inner volcano environment is even more hostile than most of us would imagine.

And, of course, there's the harrowing selfie that puts your latest "Hey, look what I did!" snapshot to shame.

The past week happened to mark a big one for volcanoes in social media. In addition to an eruption in Iceland, the Mount Tavurvur volcano in Papua New Guinea also exploded on Aug. 29, and Australian tourists Phil and Linda McNamara captured it – and the resulting shockwave – on camera.

"Holy smokin' Toledo," says one onlooker.

That pretty much sums it up, doesn't it?

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