Harley Pasternak
Courtesy Harley Pasternak
People think crunches give you a strong core (wrong), electric abdominal toning belts give you a better core (wrong), core training can burn belly fat (wrong), or the best cure for bad posture is a better core (wrong).
In fact, most people don't really know what "the core" actually is.
Simply put, the core are the muscles that connect our upper body to our lower body. The core muscles allow us to bend forward, sideways, backwards, and twist our bodies.
Our core not only facilitates movement, it can help prevent injury and provides support for our spine.
With nearly 30 muscles contributing to the core, we will mainly discuss the four primary muscles that you should focus on when exercising.
At the front of the core, you will find the rectus abdominis (aka "six-pack" muscles). These are responsible for helping us bend forward. Most of us actually overtrain these muscles in a (misguided) attempt to burn belly fat. In fact, this contributes to a muscle imbalance that can actually create the illusion of having a belly – even if you are lean – and a shorter midsection.
Along the sides of our core you will find the obliques (under the love handles). For the most part, these muscles help us bend sideways.
RELATED: Try Harley Pasternak's Double-Duty Toning Exercises
Wrapping around the core are the transverse abdomens (corset muscles). These oft-neglected muscles serve to pull our abdominal walls inward and helps us twist. When we strengthen our transverse abs, it has a "corset effect," meaning it cinches and flattens our waist and belly. Who doesn't want that?!
Our lower back is mainly made up by our spinal erectors (the two rope-like muscle groups that run along either side of the spine). Strengthening your lower back is actually the key to flattening your tummy and lengthening the front of your midsection. A strong lower back is also essential to better posture and injury prevention.
Stability exercises that strengthen all the major parts of our core will help you with injury prevention and stability, but they'll also drastically improve the way we look by creating a longer, leaner silhouette.
Give your crunch routine a break and try these exercises instead:
Rectus Abs: Plank

Courtesy Harley Pasternak
Rest your forearms on the floor and extend your legs back so your toes are on the ground and there's a straight line from your heels to your shoulders. Contract your midsection and hold as long as you can.
Obliques: Elbow to Knee

Courtesy Harley Pasternak
Lie on the ground on your left side, hands stretched above head. Lift right knee and pull right elbow down so they meet. Return to start. Do desired reps, then do other side.
Transverse Abs: Lower Body Trunk Twist

Courtesy Harley Pasternak
Lie on your back with your legs in the air, knees bent at 90 degrees. Keeping your shoulders flat on the floor and arms straight out to the sides, with your palms facing up, rotate your lower body to the left side until your left leg touches the floor on your left side. Hold for five seconds, then return to center, maintaining the same leg position throughout. Repeat on other side.
Lower Back: Superman

Harley demonstrates superman
Courtesy Harley Pasternak
Lie face down on floor with arms extended straight overhead and legs straight, hip-width apart. Simultaneously lift right arm and left leg (keep your gaze forward, neck in a neutral position) until they are several inches off the floor. Pause and hold for several seconds. Slowly lower back to the starting position and switch sides to complete one rep.
Try these exercises and let me know what you think. Tweet me @harleypasternak.
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MORE: All Harley's Blogs and Training Advice

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