How Miley Cyrus Took Over the Internet This Week

08/30/2013 at 06:40 PM EDT

It was the twerk heard 'round the Interwebs.

Oh, Miley. Miley! Why? Why did you take over the Internet this week? Every time I went online, there was another Miley meme that sprouted up. There was nary a cat video in sight – unless someone digitally inserted Miley twerking on a cat.

Commentary and jokes focused on Miley (and not Robin Thicke, it's interesting to note) were everywhere, so it would be egregious to not talk about her in a column about the biggest things online. So, here it is: The best (or worst, depending on how you feel about it) of Miley's Internet takeover.

Miley Cyrus Twerking on Famous Paintings

But is it art? (NOPE.)

A Thousand (or So It Seemed) Twitter Accounts in Honor of Her Tongue Sprung Up

Welcome to the Internet, @Mileys_Tongue_, @Mileystongue, @CyrussTongue and the rest of you. You guys have all killed novelty accounts.

Robin Thicke's Suit Inspired Creative Theories into the Creation of Mythical Creatures

If you say his name three times he won't appear. Sorry, RT fangirls.

Following an In-Depth Look on "Twerking", #ABCreports Trends on Twitter

And Then There Was the Whole "Miley Looks Like…." Trend

And, of Course, Memes About Miley's Parents Spread

There was even a hashtag, #StayStrongBillyRayCyrus

So to sum up the week: We are all the baby cat in need of a hug.

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