Oh, Miley. Miley! Why? Why did you take over the Internet this week? Every time I went online, there was another Miley meme that sprouted up. There was nary a cat video in sight – unless someone digitally inserted Miley twerking on a cat.
Commentary and jokes focused on Miley (and not Robin Thicke, it's interesting to note) were everywhere, so it would be egregious to not talk about her in a column about the biggest things online. So, here it is: The best (or worst, depending on how you feel about it) of Miley's Internet takeover.
• Miley Cyrus Twerking on Famous Paintings
But is it art? (NOPE.)
• A Thousand (or So It Seemed) Twitter Accounts in Honor of Her Tongue Sprung Up
Welcome to the Internet, @Mileys_Tongue_, @Mileystongue, @CyrussTongue and the rest of you. You guys have all killed novelty accounts.
• Robin Thicke's Suit Inspired Creative Theories into the Creation of Mythical Creatures
If you say his name three times he won't appear. Sorry, RT fangirls.
• Following an In-Depth Look on "Twerking", #ABCreports Trends on Twitter
• And Then There Was the Whole "Miley Looks Like…." Trend
• And, of Course, Memes About Miley's Parents Spread
There was even a hashtag, #StayStrongBillyRayCyrus
So to sum up the week: We are all the baby cat in need of a hug.

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