Courtesy of Lifetime
Designer Michael Costello’s takes us through the fashionable footwear and all the drama on the latest episode. Read his recap right here!
The episode starts in shoe heaven — as in the Marie Claire shoe closet! AMAZING. Designers must be inspired by shoes to create a runway look — but it’s not that simple. The designers must answer Tim Gunn’s FASHION QUIZ correctly! If they get the answer right they get to choose — oh so exciting, feels like Jeopardy. Oh and during the quiz what truly shocked me was when Dom & Miranda didn’t know what designer was responsible for the term “Little Black Dress” famous; come on girls! Go back to school! It’s CHANEL!!!! Everybody knows that.
‘Project Runway’ Recap: If The Shoe Fits
Sketching time begins at Marie Claire, in the shoe closet. I would have loved to have this challenge, you know I would have turned it out. Ken’s sketch already looks like it’s going to have the same issues as last night, awkward volume. Eek!
MOOD TIME! My absolute favorite moment is seeing Tim Gunn get kissed from Swatch, the mood dog. I love swatch. Miranda and Alexander picked the same plaid! I cant wait to watch this drama unfold.
Everyone seems to be working diligently…the competition is on! It’s not a game show anymore. Bradon’s technique looks very cool — I love all the techniques he uses. Alexandria’s shoes are AMAZING! Bondage gladiator boots. I hope she steps it up with more than a simple little black dress.
Miranda, ummm DEJAVU? Same top and jacket as before. She might be going home. She won’t be following Tim Gunn’s advice — and that’s a recipe to go home. Ken’s design was called “dated” by Tim. I’m glad he will be getting rid of that volume.
Bradon seems to be struggling again. He doesn’t know how where his model is going in his look. Seeing the look more complete looks messy. I wish he would have edited his use of techniques. EDIT, don’t over do it. He’s so talented but keeps cracking under pressure.
Helen’s look is a bit matronly, something I would never expect from her. She seems so edgy and raw, but the judges might like it.
Bradon gets an emotional call home. I can relate, it’s too hard to be in a competition away from your loved ones.
Meanwhile Miranda’s hair looks exactly like Amy Winehouse after a wild night! What is she thinking? Her taste level is always questionable, just like her look.
Alright, now let’s get to my favorite part, it’s RUNWAY TIME! This week there are two guest judges: Big Bang Theory’s Kaley Cuoco and Editor-in-Chief of Marie Clarie, Anne Fullenwider.
Ken: Impressed, short sexy a bit edgy but safe.
Alexander: Forgettable, red plaid pants but there’s nothing special to the look.
Miranda: I love her pants but the shirt and top are horrible!
Dom: I love the use of color she opted for, but the dress looks heavy — but appropriate for the shoe.
Justin: I love his neckline with the jacket. I’m impressed. Glad he was saved!
Alexandria: I would have loved to see more color.
Karen: POP of neon, I love it. Well needed after all the black on the runway.
Bradon: Ehhh first time I’m disappointed in his design.
Kate: I love the splits on the pants. Shirt has major fit issues, but interesting look.
Jeremy: I love his boots. The sweater “thing” not so much. Looks like a deflated jellyfish.
Helen: More black — forgettable again. Detail is lost in all black garments. Beautifully constructed, but I know she can do more.
The Top 3:
Alexandria : LBD with cutouts. Heidi liked her mix of soft and hard. “Very EDITORIAL” – from Nina Garcia, that’s a huge compliment. However, Zac fond the look a bit “pedestrian.”
Helen: “I want that look” – Nina Garcia as well as Kaley Cuoco love and want that look. Oh wow! Zac and Anne love the look, too. Everybody loves it. I am a bit bored by it. It’s just a simple black dress — isn’t it?
Ken: “Man eater of the new millennium” as Ken describes his model. The judges are impressed and so was I, if he keeps this up he’s got a better chance of making it to the top three.
The Bottom Three:
Jeremy: The silk chiffon sweater “Does not look current or modern” — ouch Heidi let him have it. They compared the boots to Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. They basically called them whore boots. No wonder I like the boots. But the look he created is horrible.
Miranda: “Nerd alert”- Zac Posen hated it — and so did the rest of the judges. How many chances is this girl going to get?
Bradon: Ummmm where do I begin? “It’s so old school, I didn’t love it” – Heidi. The judges also called it frumpy. WOW um I’m worried he is going home.
Winner: Helen! I’m shocked I thought Alexandria should have won. I love Ken’s bitter comment after that. Calm down, diva!
Out: Miranda! All I have to say is “ITS ABOUT TIME” sorry! Tell Timothy we said hi when you get back home.
Michael Costello
Check out Michael Costello Couture, follow me on Twitter @michealcostello, and Facebook and Tweet with me every Thursday during Project Runway Season 12!
More ‘Project Runway’ News:
- ‘Project Runway’ Premiere Recap With Michael Costello: WATCH
- ‘Project Runway’ Preview: Diamonds & Drama On The Runway
- ‘Project Runway’ Season 12 Premiere: A Former Designer Gets A 2nd Chance

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