Faye Grant Did Not Extort Ex-Husband Stephen Collins, Says Lawyer

10/08/2014 AT 09:50 PM EDT

The battle between Stephen Collins and his ex-wife Faye Grant has turned into a sordid he-said, she-said.

After audio files of Collins allegedly confessing to molesting underage girls were leaked to the media on Tuesday, Collins's lawyer Mark Vincent Kaplan fired back by stating that the tapes were released by Grant in an attempt to extort her ex for "millions of dollars more than that to which she is legally entitled."

Now, Grant and her lawyer are responding to these allegations, saying they are entirely untrue.

"This is a deeply sad situation for everyone involved," Grant said in a statement to PEOPLE. "With regard to the divorce proceedings, I am seeking no more than that to which I am legally entitled under the laws of the State of California. The recording of Mr. Collins has not been part of family court proceedings or any negotiations related to that action at any time."

Grant's lawyer, Larry Ginsberg, states that the extortion claims are "fabricated and defamatory."

"Contrary to the efforts by Mr. Collins’s lawyer to infer that my client tried to extort a settlement from Collins with the recording, neither my client nor any of her representatives ever made the recording part of the family law proceedings," said Ginsberg in a statement. "As stated previously, neither Faye nor any of her representatives had any part in providing the audio tape or any part thereof to the media."

Furthermore, he states that Grant has never asked for more than the 50 percent that she is entitled to under California law in the divorce proceedings.

"From the very beginning of the dissolution of marriage matter, Faye has worked diligently to get this matter settled and to put it behind her while coping with the distress and trauma suffered as a result of the revelations about Mr. Collins’s life," says Ginsberg. "Faye requested that Mr. Collins create a trust fund for their daughter, and further requested that he make a contribution to a charitable organization benefitting sexually abused children. To falsely characterize these requests as extortion threats is reckless and constitutes yet further abuse."

He also accuses Collins's lawyer, Kaplan, of "attempting to portray [Grant] as the 'villain' in this tragic situation."

"It is offensive and outrageous that Mr. Collins’s lawyer is now attempting to deflect focus away from the disturbing content of the recording and away from Mr. Collins's admissions by attacking the victims," states Ginsberg.

According to legal documents filed in October 2013, Grant requested monthly spousal support from Collins, coming from a combination of Collins's acting jobs – totaling $1 to $3 million per year – plus a trust and inheritance.

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