Taylor Swift Surrounded by Lots and Lots of Cats in New Diet Coke Ad

10/15/2014 AT 06:30 PM EDT

When you're done aimlessly dissecting Taylor Swift's latest hit for hints about her exes – pro tip: You're better off focusing on the confession she rearranged her furniture for a dance party – redirect your attention to the true loves of her life.


In her latest ad for Diet Coke, the "Out of the Woods" singer is paying homage to the indisputable steady in her life while simultaneously blazing trails for cat ladies around the world who refuse to answer, "How many cats is too many cats?"

The cheeky 30-second spot features Swift inhabiting some dreamy, parallel universe in which sipping zero-calorie soda inadvertently produces perfectly fluffy kittens. Makes sense.

Besides all of the delightful cat imagery (including a star-studded turn by Swift's own feline sidekick, Olivia Benson), the ad has yet another treat for fans: The song providing the backdrop to her cat fantasy land is a preview of one of her 1989 tracks.

Watch the video above, and then it's back to music unfortunately not about cats.

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