What Terrifies Jennifer Hudson?

10/11/2014 AT 08:30 AM EDT

Jennifer Hudson may have just released her third studio album, Jhud, but the 33-year-old actress insists all she wants to hear is "I love you" from her 5-year-old son, David, when she chatted with PEOPLE this week about "one last thing" ...

Last gift I received

For my birthday, my fiancé [David Otunga] gave me these beautiful bracelets, and each has charms that tell something about me, like a heart, a doggie bone. One says "Mommy." I love them.

Last time I cringed

I'm terrified of spiders. I normally go through the side door of my house, but the other day I couldn't. You think you can just run right by it, but no, this spider was the size of the palm of my hand! Just thinking about it I'm cringing.

Last impulse

I almost bought a Ferrari! I went to the car dealership and drove it and everything. Then I was like, "You don't even really drive, why would you spend all this money on a car?" But in my mind, I bought it.

Last time I heard "I love you"

Oh, my baby [David, 5] says it all the time. I was gone for a few days for the album, and that night he's just squeezing me and giving me the biggest hugs. He told me he missed me and loved me over and over again.

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