What Tony Goldwyn Really Thinks About All Those Scandal Sex Scenes

What Tony Goldwyn Really Thinks About All Those Scandal Sex Scenes

Tony Goldwyn

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty

10/09/2014 AT 12:50 PM EDT

It could come any time, and when he least expects it.

But Tony Goldwyn – who plays President Fitzerald Grant on ABC's hit series Scandal – has grown accustomed to those surprise moments when creator Shonda Rhimes requires him to strip for the camera.

"Literally I don't worry about it except knowing that at any moment I can turn the page and read, 'Fitz doesn’t have any clothes on,' " Goldwyn, 54, tells PEOPLE. "So, I better make sure I'm in reasonable shape. Scott Foley and I tease each other about it because like, okay, now it's on you."

Fortunately, Goldwyn's wife of 27 years, production designer Jane Musky, 60, "is very chill" about his sex scenes with Kerry Washington, who plays Fitz's true love, Olivia Pope. Goldwyn's daughters Anna, 24, and Tess, 19, however, are another matter.

"They think it's so gross," Goldwyn says. "It's more fun teasing them about it!"

But Goldwyn is serious when he talks about the chemistry between Fitz and Olivia – and how their love affair is "emotionally authentic."

"It's like life. Obsessive, compulsive love affairs are just like that, where you repeat the same thing. It's crazy and toxic and perfect and horrible, " he says.

For much more from Goldwyn, pick up this week's special 40th Anniversary issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday. And flip the magazine over for even more from your favorite stars, including life lessons from Julia Roberts, Kerry Washington, Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Aniston and first lady Michelle Obama.

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