Louis C.K. Hosts SNL: Watch the Highlights Here

Saturday Night Live

03/30/2014 at 11:35 AM EDT

Louis C.K.'s Saturday Night Live hosting stint played to his strengths while also allowing the comic to branch out.

C.K. was most at home during the opening monologue, which he treated as a block of stand-up time: He discussed the difference between "first-world hunger" and "third-world hunger," ("If you've eaten today, you're not hungry. I'm hungry for a donut but I'm not hungry,") women's suffrage, ("Women got the right to vote in this country in 1920. That means American democracy is 94 years old. There are three guys in my building who are older than American democracy,") and – as usual – parenting. ("There is no more joyful experience in a parent's life than when a child's play is over.")

One of the more bizarre skits had C.K. as a man in a doctor's office with an unusually specific question: "Considering my age and all, I'm just seeing if you want to check if I have a Darth Vader action figure in my butt?"

C.K.'s next skit had him playing a man befuddled by a '60s-style girl group who surround him and sing "Mr. Big Stuff" despite his protestations that he's just trying to find the Brooklyn Savings Bank and does not in fact think he's Mr. Big Stuff.

One of the best non-C.K. sketches saw Kate McKinnon and Aidy Bryant as detectives on a '70s-style cop show called – wait for it – Dyke & Fats. But don't call them that – you don't get to say that!

Sam Smith was the evening's musical guest. Here he is performing "Lay Me Down."

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